Conoce las consecuencias del Estrés Crónico ¡Algunas te sorprenderán!

Afecta a personas de cualquier edad, género y circunstancias personales. El problema fundamental del estrés crónico, es que está infradiagnosticado, ya que es frecuente, que quien lo padece, se habitúe a él y no acuda al médico, pese a los síntomas evidentes. En tales casos, sólo cuando el organismo llega al límite y se produce […]

Treatment Options for Skin Tags

An estimated half of all adults in the United States have at least one skin tag. And while these common skin growths are harmless, they can be bothersome. You might dislike the appearance or find that they frequently get caught on clothing or jewelry, which could pave the way to pain or injury.  If you’re bothered by […]

Balance Your Hormones to Optimize Your Health

Hormones are tiny chemical messengers in your body that play a tremendous role in your overall health and well-being. Most everyone will experience imbalanced hormones at some point, particularly with increasing age. In addition to aging, factors such as thyroid disease, diabetes, extreme stress, and poor lifestyle habits can fuel these imbalances.  Dr. Javier Sosa and his […]

I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Over 40% of adults in the United States attempt to lose excess pounds in a given year, according to recent findings. Unfortunately, relatively few are successful. While that might sound depressing, there is good news. Research also shows that appropriate professional support can help keep you motivated and on-track, upping your odds of reaching a healthy weight and […]

Is PRP for Me?

If you’re looking for a natural way to add vibrancy to your complexion, consider platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. While PRP therapy is relatively new in the aesthetics world, it’s been used for several decades in medicine and for good reason. The minimally invasive treatment prompts your body’s natural healing responses, bringing about a range of benefits. Dr. […]

Should I Get a Vasectomy?

If you and your partner want to prevent pregnancy for the foreseeable future, a vasectomy may be a smart option. During this safe and simple in-office procedure, the tubes that transport sperm are cut and then closed off at both ends so that fertilizing an egg becomes virtually impossible. As few as one in 1,000 […]

Are Your Hormones Out of Balance?

Teenagers get a lot of the buzz when it comes to conversations about hormones, but your hormones can go out of balance at any stage of life. In fact, as you approach middle age and beyond, your hormone levels will almost inevitably change. But just because hormonal changes are natural doesn’t mean you have to […]

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Whether the holidays are a joyful or somewhat stressful time for you, more decadent food and less activity might seem like a given. On average, adults gain about one pound per year, and research shows that most of those gains accumulate during the holiday season.  Over time, those pounds can really add up. But here’s the good news: […]

5 Reasons to Consider Professional Support for Weight Loss

If weight control were easy, the majority of adults in the United States wouldn’t likely be overweight or obese. That’s why professional support is essential for ongoing weight loss success. From easing the emotional challenges to helping you best reap the benefits of healthy weight loss, the reasons to consider such support is important. Dr. […]

Telltale Signs of an Overactive Thyroid

If you feel revved up for no apparent reason or notice other changes in your health, such as a pounding heart or menstrual changes, you may be experiencing signs of an overactive thyroid.  Also called hyperthyroidism, this condition happens when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine plays important roles in […]