Can IV Therapy Help With Anti-Aging

Eating a nutritious diet is essential at any age, but getting the correct nutrients is even more essential in your golden years. Proper nutrient intake helps your body and mind stay healthy and energized, and the need for particular vitamins and minerals also increases with age.  And given that 25% of adults under age 65 and […]

5 Benefits of Telemedicine

Telehealth visits in the United States increased from less than 1% of medical visits to up to 80% during the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, telemedicine has remained popular for a variety of important reasons. Dr. Javier Sosa and our expert team at Woodlands Primary Healthcare, located in The Woodlands, Texas, are pleased to offer […]

Conoce las consecuencias del Estrés Crónico ¡Algunas te sorprenderán!

Afecta a personas de cualquier edad, género y circunstancias personales. El problema fundamental del estrés crónico, es que está infradiagnosticado, ya que es frecuente, que quien lo padece, se habitúe a él y no acuda al médico, pese a los síntomas evidentes. En tales casos, sólo cuando el organismo llega al límite y se produce […]

How the HydraFacial Can Rejuvenate Your Skin

You want to rejuvenate your skin, but you’re not interested in invasive treatments like cosmetic surgery or chemical peels. If that sounds like you, it’s time to consider the HydraFacial.  This gentle treatment can improve your complexion in less than an hour. And afterward, you can get right back to your usual daily activities — no downtime […]

5 Preventable Age-Related Conditions

Many illnesses are associated with aging, and while your body changes over time, that doesn’t mean these conditions are certain. In fact, there’s much you can do to lower your risk for age-related conditions, which is especially important if you hold additional risk factors. Dr. Javier Sosa and our expert team at Woodlands Primary Healthcare, located in The Woodlands, […]

How to Keep Your Bones Healthy After 40

By the time you’ve reached your fourth decade of life, you’ve already built all of your bone mass. While you can’t add to that bone after 40, you can take steps to preserve it. And doing so can help lower your risk for a range of common problems. Dr. Javier Sosa and our expert team at Woodlands […]

Food Allergy vs. Sensitivity: How Are They Different?

You’ve just enjoyed a meal or snack when bothersome symptoms strike you. When this scenario unfolds repeatedly, you might wonder if you’re allergic or sensitive to something you ate. And, you could well be right.  Some children outgrow food allergies and sensitivities, but they linger on for others. That’s why up to 8% of kids under age […]

Looking for Subtle Results? Consider a Mini Botox Facial

If you’re bothered by fine lines around your eyes, on your forehead, or between your brows, you may have wondered about Botox. The minimally invasive treatment provides a skin-smoothening alternative for anyone wishing to avoid the hassle, downtime, and risks of surgery.  If you like the idea of Botox but have concerns about looking as […]

Why Is Weight Loss so Hard?

You’ve tried changing your lifestyle more than once, yet you still can’t seem to reach and maintain a healthy body weight. This common conundrum stands in the way for many people, which is a major reason nearly 75% of Americans struggle with extra pounds.  Rather than shame yourself for such challenges or give up for good, it’s […]

Are You Making These Lifestyle Choices to Manage Your Diabetes?

When you have diabetes, your body can’t use insulin properly or produce enough of the hormone. Because insulin helps keep your blood sugar levels in a positive place and keep you energized and functioning well, low levels can lead to a range of issues. On the milder end, these issues include fatigue and increased appetite […]