Could You Have High Blood Pressure and Not Know it?

When it goes undetected, high blood pressure (HBP) is like a silent bomb in your body. Unfortunately, this situation is the case for many people. Nearly half of people in the United States don’t have their blood pressure under control, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and most people with the condition have health insurance, yet remain undiagnosed. Because HBP is a major contributing factor to heart disease, the leading cause of death in adults in the US, making blood pressure awareness a priority is important.

Dr. Javier Sosa and his team at Woodlands Primary Healthcare focus on helping you prevent and manage chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure. Read on to learn more about this often silent health concern and ways to lower your risk for serious complications.

HBP without realizing it

High blood pressure gradually develops and worsens, typically without causing any obvious signs early on. That’s why it’s so easy to have HBP without knowing it. You may look and feel healthy from the outside for weeks, months, or even years before potentially serious complications alert you or your healthcare providers of the issue. 

Importance of HPB treatment

The damage HBP causes is gradual, so the longer it goes untreated, the more internal harm you can experience. When your blood can’t move freely through your arteries, due to factors such as plaque buildup and blockage, your blood pressure increases, raising your risk for life-threatening diseases and conditions, such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Microvascular disease
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Stroke
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Vision loss

HBP treatment and prevention

In most cases, high blood pressure is detected at a routine physical exam or when something more serious happens. This is one reason seeing Dr. Sosa routinely to have your levels checked is important. Once you’re diagnosed with HBP, treatment may involve medications and lifestyle changes, as well as more frequent monitoring of your levels.

Thankfully, high blood pressure addressed early enough is treatable and reversible. You can take steps to make lifestyle changes that help treat the condition, such as prioritizing healthy sleep habits, eating a heart-healthy diet, engaging in routine physical activity, and managing stress. 

Learn more about high blood pressure and any indicators or risk factors you may have by calling Woodlands Primary Healthcare or scheduling an appointment with Dr. Sosa through our website. Our team would love to help you improve your wellness, making way for a longer, more vibrant life.

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Our health professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care and expert guidance to help you manage your health effectively.

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