Everything You Need to Know About the HCG Diet

Obesity continues to be a significant health care concern that affects an estimated 40% of adults in the U.S. Excess weight can impact your heart health, lead to diabetes, and make even gentle exercise hard on your joints. The answer, of course, has always been to drop the weight, keep it off, and improve your health. Though the goal is clear, getting there remains a problem for many individuals.

At Woodlands Primary Healthcare, we understand the negative impact obesity can have on your health. We also understand that the formula for weight loss – eat fewer calories than you burn in a day – is not always as simple to accomplish as it seems.

It takes teamwork to make weight loss happen. We provide expert medical supervision as well as ongoing support throughout all the phases of your weight loss journey. We include programs like the HCG diet in our treatment strategies because it can help individuals lose weight quickly, and that can keep people motivated.

What is the HCG diet?

The HCG diet is an extremely low-calorie plan that helps you lose weight quickly. It’s highly effective for those who are obese and at risk for health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension). Calories are typically restricted to about 500 per day with meals that include lean proteins, leafy green vegetables, and other healthy but incredibly low-calorie foods. Because the diet is customized, your daily calorie intake may be higher.

What makes the HCG diet different than other low-calorie plans?

The HCG diet plan includes regular (usually daily) doses of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is a hormone that may boost your metabolism as it helps prevent you from losing muscle mass as you diet. Many patients also report significant appetite suppression due to the HCG. The low-calorie diet helps you lose weight while the HCG changes the way weight is lost – through fat, not muscle.

How does HCG prevent muscle loss?

HCG elevates hormone levels in the body, including testosterone. Studies show that the hormone creates a muscle-building (anabolic) state that counteracts muscle-breakdown. During a typical calorie-restricted diet, you can expect to lose a high amount of muscle. This slows your metabolism to the point that you regain lost weight quickly once you stop dieting. The muscle-building nature of HCG allows for a stronger metabolism and helps you maintain your weight loss after you’ve reached your goal.

Is the HCG diet safe?

Because it’s extremely low-calorie, the HCG diet plan requires medical supervision to ensure its safety. Our team sees HCG diet participants for regular visits to check on their physical health. You also receive significant encouragement during these visits and the opportunity to discuss the diet, your concerns, and your successes. You can also expect expert help in making the changes your diet has provided a permanent part of your future.

For a customized weight-loss program designed for success, schedule a visit with the team at Woodlands Primary Healthcare today. Call the office, or book your visit online.

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