How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Whether the holidays are a joyful or somewhat stressful time for you, more decadent food and less activity might seem like a given. On average, adults gain about one pound per year, and research shows that most of those gains accumulate during the holiday season.  Over time, those pounds can really add up. But here’s the good news: […]

Are Your Hormones Out of Balance?

Teenagers get a lot of the buzz when it comes to conversations about hormones, but your hormones can go out of balance at any stage of life. In fact, as you approach middle age and beyond, your hormone levels will almost inevitably change. But just because hormonal changes are natural doesn’t mean you have to […]

Should I Get a Vasectomy?

If you and your partner want to prevent pregnancy for the foreseeable future, a vasectomy may be a smart option. During this safe and simple in-office procedure, the tubes that transport sperm are cut and then closed off at both ends so that fertilizing an egg becomes virtually impossible. As few as one in 1,000 […]

Is PRP for Me?

If you’re looking for a natural way to add vibrancy to your complexion, consider platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. While PRP therapy is relatively new in the aesthetics world, it’s been used for several decades in medicine and for good reason. The minimally invasive treatment prompts your body’s natural healing responses, bringing about a range of benefits. Dr. […]

I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Over 40% of adults in the United States attempt to lose excess pounds in a given year, according to recent findings. Unfortunately, relatively few are successful. While that might sound depressing, there is good news. Research also shows that appropriate professional support can help keep you motivated and on-track, upping your odds of reaching a healthy weight and […]