Treatment Options for Skin Tags

An estimated half of all adults in the United States have at least one skin tag. And while these common skin growths are harmless, they can be bothersome. You might dislike the appearance or find that they frequently get caught on clothing or jewelry, which could pave the way to pain or injury.  If you’re bothered by […]

Telemedicine: The Advantages of a Virtual Appointment From Your Home

Have you ever wished your doctor could make house calls? Telemedicine is a comparable and convenient option. Thanks to modern technology, this remote care allows you to have support and contact with your doctor when in-person visits aren’t realistic or feasible.  These visits can take place in the comfort of your own home or even over a […]

How to Prevent Prediabetes From Turning Into Full-Blown Diabetes

Finding out you have prediabetes might feel scary, but it comes with an important silver lining: You don’t have Type 2 diabetes yet, and you can take steps to prevent it. As a valuable bonus, these steps can help lower your risk of long-term complications of diabetes, such as damage to your kidneys, blood vessels, […]

9 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication

Cholesterol is a waxy substance in your blood and is also found in certain foods. Ideally, your total cholesterol levels will fall under 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, levels should fall under 100 mg/dL. And your HDL, or “good cholesterol,” should stay at 40 mg/dL or higher. If you have high cholesterol […]

Benefits of Joint Injections

Some 15 million people in the United States report enduring severe joint pain related to arthritis. And when you’re experiencing joint pain or stiffness, whether from arthritis or an injury, little sounds as inviting as swift relief. Joint injections were designed to provide precisely that. Dr. Javier Sosa and his team at Woodlands Primary Healthcare are pleased to offer this treatment for […]

Dry Skin? Consider a HydraFacial™

From a duller appearance to painful cracks and redness, dry skin is far from pleasant. While it’s very common, you shouldn’t have to live with it. In some cases, symptoms related to skin dryness become severe, making it more difficult to go about your life as usual—or at least with less physical and emotional ease. […]

Síndrome Metabólico

Síndrome metabólicoCuerpos con forma de manzana o pera.El síndrome metabólico (SM), es un conjunto de desórdenes  metabólicos  considerados como un factor de riesgo para desarrollar enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes tipo 2.En el 2009, la publicación Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome, sugirió un consenso para tratar de unificar los criterios  diagnósticos del SM:*Incremento  de la circunferencia abdominal:(definición […]

Hipertensión arterial

Hipertensión arterial•La hipertensión arterial es una enfermedad caracterizada por un aumento de la presión en el interior de los vasos sanguíneos (arterias).El elemento básico es la disfunción endotelial y la ruptura del equilibrio entre los factores vasodilatadores y vasoconstrictores del   vaso sanguíneo.•Según la Sociedad. Interamericana de Hipertensión (ISH), se recomienda diagnosticar la hipertensión arterial cuando […]

Telltale Signs of an Overactive Thyroid

If you feel revved up for no apparent reason or notice other changes in your health, such as a pounding heart or menstrual changes, you may be experiencing signs of an overactive thyroid.  Also called hyperthyroidism, this condition happens when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine plays important roles in […]

5 Reasons to Consider Professional Support for Weight Loss

If weight control were easy, the majority of adults in the United States wouldn’t likely be overweight or obese. That’s why professional support is essential for ongoing weight loss success. From easing the emotional challenges to helping you best reap the benefits of healthy weight loss, the reasons to consider such support is important. Dr. […]